BDA or Biomechanical Developmental Approach, is an innovative therapy conceived from the aspirations of Vladimir and Slobodan to transcend the current boundaries of scientific knowledge concerning neurological damage.
Why Choose Us
Personalized Approach: At BDA, we view each problem through a unique lens. We understand that every individual’s challenges are distinct, prompting us to approach with utmost responsibility, motivation, and a tailored strategy.
Inclusive Belief System: We staunchly believe in the boundless potential every child and adult holds. No matter the diagnosis or presumed limitations, we trust in their capacity to flourish in their unique pace and manner, especially with the right support.
Shared Vision: With us, you are not just a client; you are a partner. We believe that together, we can achieve remarkable progress. The journey with BDA is a collaborative effort, with shared goals and shared joys.
Global Aspirations: We have a vision of making BDA a universally accessible therapy. We strive to advance the current scientific knowledge in treating neurological impairments, hoping to touch lives globally.
Join us, because together, with the BDA team, there’s so much we can accomplish!
Therapy founder
Therapy founder
Mon – Fri 08:00 – 19:00